hmmm ... lemme see what's in my closet ...
Many of you know, I change multiple times an hour. Last nite, my friend Pheobe made a wise crack about it. So I decided to stick with one outfit for today. No changing clothes just to change. There should be a reason ... like hanging on the beach, dancing, clubbing, etc. To make myself feel happy, I went on a mission to make a cute casual look for the bolero. Now this is an outfit I can stay in all day!
Eyes: []::Tuli::[] bright blue eyes/Skin: LF CHAI Skin -Honey- Torrid/Hair: ETD Hermia - Chocolate/Bangs: ETD Left Swept Bangs - Chocolate/Bracelets: Argyle - Winter Bangles Gold/Ring: *EMJ* Platinum Canary Diamond Ribbon Ring by Elexor/Earrings: {JUNK} Horn Earrings/Pants: *First Impressions* Flat Front, Wide Leg Pants-Caramel/Tank: *Camie Cooper* Lace Trimmed Lady Beaters (White)/Bolero & Bow: ~~Ivalde~~Joan brown dress 1950 (part of)/Boots: *REDGRAVE* Smoke-Leather